European Wireless 2025

Sophia-Antipolis, France | 27-29 October

European Wireless 2025

Scope and Motivation
European Wireless (EW) is a key venue for European and worldwide researchers to become acquainted with the latest trends in wireless communications and networking. The main theme of EW 2025 is “Shaping Next-Generation Wireless with AI”. This 30th edition of EW will be held in Sophia-Antipolis, France, October 27-29, 2025. The conference is planned to be in person, hosting authors’ presentations, and allowing for interactions and networking among the participants.

Topics of Interest:

EW25 is committed to the highest publication and ethical standards through a rigorous single-blind peer-review process. Submitted manuscripts must be original and not be published or under review elsewhere. Papers must not infringe any copyright or third-party right. The proceedings of EW25 will be published and will be made available on IEEE Xplore. Acceptance of submitted papers will be based on quality, relevance, and originality. Proposals for special sessions and tutorials are also invited. The detailed call for papers, special sessions, and tutorials can be found here

You are invited to submit your research paper(s) related to the following topics of interest (but not limited to): 

Important Dates:

We look forward to seeing you at EURECOM.
The organizers.


If you have further questions about the conference please contact: ew2025-chairs (at) edas (dot) info