
European Wireless 2025 will be held at EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France. 

Sophia Antipolis is one of Europe’s largest technology parks, where world-renowned companies and research institutions such as Air France, ALTEN, NXP Semiconductors, and INRIA reside.



Campus SophiaTech,

450 Route des Chappes, CS 50193 - 06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex, FRANCE


Below you can find a list of recommended hotels located near EURECOM : 

Access to EURECOM:

There are different ways to reach EURECOM. You can arrive:

A8 Motorway: Take Exit 44 for Antibes, Sophia Antipolis. Follow the signs for Sophia Antipolis from the roundabout at INRA, Route des Chappes.

Parking: Visitor parking is available at EURECOM. Please inform the reception in advance if you need parking assistance.

Antibes is the nearest railway station. Buses and taxis provide regular connections between Antibes and Sophia Antipolis.

Please note that, if you are coming to EURECOM by bus and get off at the “Les Chappes” bus stop, you will enter the campus through the gate. After the gate, climb the stairs and walk past the Campus SophiaTech buildings until you reach the building marked by the letter F. EURECOM is at the end of this walkway on the left.