Call for Papers
European Wireless (EW) is a key venue for European and worldwide researchers to become acquainted with the latest trends in wireless communications and networking. The main theme of EW 2025 is “Shaping Next-Generation Wireless with AI”. This 30th edition of EW will be held in Sophia-Antipolis, France, October 27-29, 2025. The conference is planned to be in person, hosting authors’ presentations, and allowing for interactions and networking among the participants.
You are invited to submit your research paper(s) related to the following topics of interest (but not limited to):
5G/6G Communication Networks: Cellular systems; 5G/6G; Non-Terrestrial Networks; Open RAN; TSN; WiFi 6 and beyond; WLAN; LoRA; joint communication and sensing; radio access; campus networks; edge and core; verticals and services; security; resource allocation; Internet of Things; sustainability, green and energy efficient communications; Machine Learning for communications.
Tactile Internet: Ultra-reliable low-latency communications for the Tactile Internet with human-in-the-loop (TaHiL); Human-machine-type communications, interaction, and augmentation; Human–robot cohabitation in industry; Human-machine learning; Haptic codecs; AI and softwarization for the Tactile Internet; Augmented perception and interaction; Human-inspired models for tactile computing; Sensors and actuators for the Tactile Internet; Tactile electronics.
Post-Shannon and Semantic Communications: Message Identification; Physical layer integration; Common randomness generation; Semantic compression; Goal-oriented communications; Joint communication and control; Functional compression.
Quantum Communication Networks: Quantum programming and software; Simulation of quantum communications and computing; Quantum repeaters; Quantum information theory; Quantum algorithms; Quantum local area networks and metropolitan networks; Quantum physical-layer service integration; Quantum space communications.
Molecular Communications: Internet of Bio-Nano Things; molecular computing, storage and communication; Protocols, algorithms, models and technologies for molecular communications; Molecular space communications.
In-Network Computing: Network softwarization, multi-agent systems and chain set up and management, microservice based communication systems, microservice and agent placement in cloud/edge data centres, energy efficiency and sustainability of in-network computing, latency concerns in softwarized networks, computing resource management and orchestration for communication networks, functional split and placement of RAN functionalities in cloud/edge data centres.
Joint Communications and Sensing in Wireless Systems: Fundamental Theoretical Limits; enabling Technologies; Waveform Design; Channel Characteristics, Models, and Measurements; Beamforming and MIMO; Integrated Environmental and/or Spectral Sensing; mmW and THz frequency bands; Security Aspects; Localization; Signal Processing; System Design; Machine Learning.
Technological Advancements in mm-wave and sub-THz communication systems: Advanced components/devices at mmWaves/THz. THz/mmWaves Channel Characterization. Graphene-based devices at mmWaves/THz. RIS for mmWaves/THz communication and sensing systems. THz-enabled UAV use cases. mmWaves/THz intersatellite links.
Open RAN and AI: Advances in O-RAN architecture, use cases, systems, testing, testbeds, experimental research, simulation, analysis. Investigations on AI applications for RAN systems, including AI-RAN-related topics, coexistence of AI and RAN, AI to improve the RAN efficiency, AI applications on RAN.
6G Connected Robotics for Cooperative Communication, Sensing, and Control: Emerging applications of integrating robots (aerial, ground, and underwater robots) into wireless networks; Modeling of robot-to-robot and robot-to-infrastructure radio channels; Active radio mapping using robots; AI-based decision-making and management of robot-enabled networks; Machine learning for robot-enabled wireless networks; Path planning and Intelligent deployments in robot-aided wireless networks; Digital twin of robot-enabled wireless networks; Network architectures for robot control; Cloud/edge-based robot-enabled networks; Semantic communications for robotic applications; Robot-enabled networks prototyping and testbed.
EW25 is committed to the highest publication and ethical standards through a rigorous single-blind peer-review process. Submitted manuscripts must be original and not be published or under review elsewhere. Papers must not infringe any copyright or third-party right. The proceedings of EW25 will be published by VDE and will be made available on IEEE Xplore. Acceptance of submitted papers will be based on quality, relevance, and originality.
All papers should be submitted via EDAS at:
Call for Special Sessions:
If you would like to propose your own special session, please send a 1–2-page proposal with title, abstract and a list of potential papers by sending an email to the chairs via: ew2025-chairs (at) edas (dot) info. Special session papers will undergo the same review process as regular papers in order to be published in IEEExplore.
Call for Tutorials:
European Wireless 2025 also seeks tutorial proposals on new and emerging topics within the scope of wireless communications & networking. The tutorials should be in line with topics listed in the call for the papers.
Important Dates:
Special session proposals: 31st March 2025
Deadline for paper submission: 15th June 2025
Date for notification: 22nd August 2025
Camera ready due: 22nd September 2025
Deadline for tutorial proposals: 15th June 2025
Date for tutorial notification: 31st July 2025
Conference: 27-29 October 2025
If you have further questions, please contact: ew2025-chairs (at) edas (dot) info